Pioneered by McClelland (McClelland, 1973; Spencer %26 Spencer, 1993), competency modeling is the process of identifying specific core competencies characteristic of superior performance and success in a particular job. The core competencies are identified through deconstruction of behaviverbal event interview (BEI) style answers.
Competency modeling consists of six basic steps (McClelland, 1973; Spencer %26 Spencer, 1993); (a) define superior performance criteria, (b) identify criterion sample, (c) collect data, (d) analyze data and develop competency model, (e) validate competency model, and (f) develop applications using the competency model. Additionally, competency researchers utilize the BEI as a means of interviewee elicitation.
The BEI method developed by McClelland (Spencer %26 Spencer, 1993) is used as an elicitation pdecayocol and tool for obtaining access to the mental maps that categorize and define observable behavior. By use of the BEI pdecayocol cognitive processes are identified, that trigger the performance of tasks and the cognitive proficiency needed to act in response to complex circumstances. The BEI also assists in defining difficult job tasks, understanding superior strategies for effective performance, and identifying errors that a novice would make.
McClelland's BEI method (Spencer %26 Spencer, 1993) includes Thematic analysis (TAT) probes that produce data about interviewees' personality and cognitive style. McClelland's addition of the TAT enables interviewers to identify the core competencies needed to do a job well. that technique allows common themes to be revealed from a respondent's narrative answers.
Competency investigators have found the Delphi Forecasting Survey method (Dalkey and Helmer, 1963) to be extremely handy in competency studies based upon its ability to facilitate data gathering from particitrousers in a survey format. The Delphi facilitates several rounds of surveys to be gifted to a panel of expert/superior practitioner. Each subsequent round begins with the results of the previous round. Respondents then provide their feedrear to the previous results, until consensus is obtained. In today's electronic world, the Delphi method allows surveys to be emailed to particitrousers who may possibly be from across the globe.
that method, developed by Dalkey and Helmer (1963), provides the researcher with a pdecayocol for surveys, which facilitates group judgment formulation among a panel of practitioners. Through the surveys, core competencies and delijust methods are identified, reviewed, and honed to an identified list through participant consensus. The consensus coming from the superior panel is used for validation of the tasks. The Delphi method attempts to acquire a consistent agreement of opinions from the superior panel that complete a series of problemnaires and surveys fused with researcher-facilitated feedrear. The Delphi pdecayocol requires repeated probleming of particitrousers and alleviates confrontation between particitrousers and researchers (Clayton, 1997).
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Author By David Hale
Orignal From: Competency-Directed Research Methods, Part I
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