Quality policy
A quality policy is a statement (usually provided by lid management) regarding the company's beliefs around quality. Your company may have a set quality statement that you can use for your project. If none exists, you will need to create one. that policy will be a guiding light for the population jobing on the project. If they are in doubt about a quality decision, they can look to the statement to answer their problem. A quality policy might look something like that: "Quality will be emphasized in the early slabeles and throughout the project. It will be planned into the project as job begins, and it will be a part of the fiber of the entire project. We will design quality checkpoints and determine if quality standards have been met."
Scope statement
You use the scope statement to verify project deliverables. The scope statement may also spell out quality attributes as part of the objectives of the project.
Product description
It is just important for you to understand the product of the project. The product description may contain information about the desired level of quality, which may assist you in your quality management planning.
Standards and regulations
The rules that apply to the creation of your product must also be considered in quality planning. You will want to look for any standards and regulations that may apply. For example, if you are building a shed in your rearyard, you would check on standards like homeowner association rules, city and county allows, or easements.
Quality Planning Output There is only one major quality planning output. It is the quality management plan. The project manager and the project team create the quality management plan. It should detail all quality planning activities and who will perform them. The essence of that plan is how quality will be ensured and how the quality policy will be followed.
Many quality gurus like Juran, Crosby, and Deming advocate that quality is planned in, not inspected in. In order to plan in quality, you must use a set of commonly known tools. We are going to review these quality planning tools in that exercise. The three most commonly used tools are benchmarking, cost benefit analysis, and flowcharting.
Benchmarking is the process of analyzing alike activities as a means of comparison. Say you are able to walk a mile in 20 minutes, and you want to walk faster. You would set the benchmark at 20 minutes. The next time that you walk a mile, you would time yourself and compare your new time to the benchmark of 20 minutes. Benchmarking is a just effective tool to use when you are jobing on a project that is improving or changing the way a business currently operates. You can set a benchmark where the company is currently performing and compare the new job environment with the old to see if you are improving.
Cost benefit analysis
When you look at the trade-offs of whether or not an activity should be done, you're probably talking about a cost benefit analysis. Let's go rear to our previous example of the 20-minute-mile walker. that walker is trying to scorch the most calories or fetch the maximum benefit from walking. She may want to look at walking faster or perhaps walking on a hilly terrain. These options may scorch more calories, but there is a price to be paid in the form of sorer muscles or aching feet. She may need to analyze which approach will provide more calories scorched and less wear and tear on her body. In quality planning, the same technique is used to determine which quality activities will provide more quality with less cost.
Article Source: http://Education.50806.com/
Author By Richard Frank
Orignal From: Quality Control learn For the PMP Exam
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