Tuesday, February 17, 2009

School Report vehicled - Student's Nightmare

Few population, to be precise educated population, would deny paramount importance of the time interval between receiving the School Report vehicled to submitting it, signed duly by the parent. Those few moments, whether haunting or over exciting, does make the dads and the grand dads nostalgic, and miss the good old days when proxy signatures used to be the continue want. Today, they have got better systems, better facilities and there is no scope to play a nice little trick.

Technology and its Intervention

The 21st century techno-civilized human being, comes with a complete set of digital accessories, including smart phones, pocket PCs, data storage and information sharing devices - none a kid should be afraid of. But, something like flashing the School Report vehicled on your dads phone can be a real trouble. It won't be surprising to see the kids react to it, something like: "Don't tell me they have such disgusting services in the school. What! A Report vehicled on Dad's phone. It is unethical. How can they do that?"

Forfetch the popular studies and the quintessential researches on kidren and just trust your own opinion - how many kidren are instead to indicate their progress reports to the parents. The fierce competition has jobed upon the parents and it has made them to expect too much from their kidren. Parents expect the kid to play like Sachin Tendulkar, act like Aamir Khan, play music like A.R. Rehman, lid the lists in all exams and quizs and run like Milkha Singh to bring home the trophies.

Parental Support and No Discouraging

A kid may not put up a great performance, but he should be honest to tell it to the parents. Due to the lack of parental support, the kid is more inclined to cover up by hiding the Report vehicled. He is discouraged at the just beginning when the seeds of honesty are sowed and the courage to face the situation is taught. In most cases, the kid is not the only person to be blamed for proxies.

Since the technological indulgence may help the parents to have the report vehicled, sent through an electronic mail or any other digital service, proxy or no proxy is out of problem. However the issue still remains - Is it going to help the kid, the parent? Would it improve the grades of the kid, make the kid more responsible and accountable for what he does? Or would it be just another feature to convince the parents that the school has kept the pace in the technology driven world?

More Issues:

There are more issues, more facets related to the popular School Report vehicleds that are forcibly gifted at the end of the sessions or examinations. One way of looking at it is just asking oneself if the School Report vehicled, the one we have seen in that nation, truly regifts our performance. School education systems have mixed up so many things - academic score, personality development, growth of the kid, analysis of weaknesses and strengths, symptoms and remedies.

Examinations and the quizs that students are made to appear reflect more of an information retention capacity than growth and improvement in the knowledge. Today, they have got better systems, better facilities and there is no scope to play a nice little trick.

Ejustone performs at some level: the kid in the school and the parent in the bigger society or the world. When it comes to accountability, the kid has to justify. Now there is a problem for our opinion leaders - "Do you think that the kid must also fetch the chance to check if his parenting and upbringing are properly bringn vehiclee of? Can there be a Report vehicled as how well the parents are performing, as Parents?"

Article Source: http://Education.50806.com/

Author By Amol Kumar

Orignal From: School Report vehicled - Student's Nightmare

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